
Letter from the Committee (Please read to the end)

We are very blessed to be able to meet as one large combined ecclesia, as we continue to feel the effects of the global coronavirus pandemic. Whilst this is a wonderful privilege granted to us by SA Health, it also comes with a great responsibility that we care for the health and safety of ourselves and others. For this reason, please be aware of the following additional requirements that will need to be implemented at this large gathering, in order to hold a physical Camp:
  • Campsite Opening and Closing Times: The campsite will be open from 2pm, Thursday, 14 April 2022 and close on 10am, Tuesday, 19 April 2022. Please enter and depart the campsite during these times, to ensure that we can undertake the necessary entry and departure procedures. The Camp entrance will be manned overnight on Thursday, 14 April 2022. If you wish to stay on after 10am, Tuesday, 19 April 2022, please contact the Camp Secretary, so that a register of attendees can be compiled, to ensure that the number of attendees does not exceed 150 (as permitted under the private gatherings ruling) – please bring your own supplies (e.g. bread, milk, toilet paper) as well as take home your rubbish.
  • Wellness: If you are experiencing any Covid symptoms, or are unwell, PLEASE DO NOT come to Camp. Similarly, if you have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days or are required to abide by any other government covid related direction that restricts your travel to Camp, or it has been less than 48 hours since the last sign of unwell symptoms prior to Camp attendance, PLEASE DO NOT come to Camp. Any attendees that experience Covid symptoms during Camp, must isolate themselves, thoroughly clean all high touch areas, return home immediately, and obtain a Covid test.
  • Temperature Check: Prior to entry into the Camp, all attendees MUST undergo a temperature check, to reduce the risk of potential community transmission. Before entry, you may also be asked to fill out a Health Screening Questionnaire. Non-compliance or attendees that have a temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher will not be permitted into Camp. This also applies to houseboat attendees and day visitors. Random temperature checks may also take place during Camp.
  • Contact Tracing: Prior to entry into the Camp, all attendees must either scan the SA Govt approved QR Code or manually provide their contact details. Non-compliance will result in denied access into Camp. This also applies to houseboat attendees and day visitors. Interstate visitors must download the SA Govt approved QR Code app, prior to entrance into the Camp. If you leave the camp, for any permitted reason, you must scan the QR code when coming back into Camp.
  • Social Distancing and Density: Please maintain a distance of 1.5m between family groups and comply with social density requirements signage. Please also refrain from handshaking and other physical touch greetings.
  • Cleaning: Extra cleaning of toilets and showers has been scheduled, which will require around 140 volunteers. This is a significant increase in cleaning – we APPEAL for extra volunteers to assist, in order to hold a physical Camp.
  • Bible Studies: Number of attendees at the Hall will be limited to 162, to fit within the current social density rules. This will mean that the majority of campers will need to either sit on the grassed area outside the Hall or listen to the studies on the FM Band (please bring a battery operated radio). Please do not livestream into the studies, as this will affect the quality of the livestreaming for those that cannot attend the Camp – to this end, we also ask that mobile phones are switched off or put on flight mode during the Bible Studies, as data usage by a large number of mobile phones, will significantly deteriorate the livestreaming.
  • Memorial Meeting: Emblems will be distributed to those in the Hall or on the grassed areas. Additional emblems will be available for pick up, prior to the Memorial Meeting, for taking back to individual Campsites. Alternatively, please bring your own emblems.
  • Sunday School: There will be a slight rearrangement to Sunday School as the current Sunday Rooms need to comply with social density rules, requiring in marquees to be used.
  • BBQ Tea: There will be no BBQ Tea this year, due to Covid concerns. Attendees will need to cater for an extra meal.
  • Shop: The Shop will continue to be open, with credit card payment being our preferred method of payment.
  • Camp Collection: Donations can be made via EFT or via Paypal (details for both on the Camp website “donation information” page), in lieu of a cash collection during the Memorial Meeting. A donation box will also be made available during the Camp.


The risk of mosquito borne viruses are present each year at Camp, however the risk is heightened this year with recent flooding in the eastern states causing ideal conditions for mosquito breeding.

In addition to the common viruses being present (e.g. Ross River Virus), there is an emerging risk associated with the Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV). Whilst less than 1% of people will experience symptoms, the virus can cause severe symptoms including in the most severe cases permanent neurological complications or possibly death. Animals, including pigs and water birds, can host the virus, which can spread the virus when a mosquito bites an infected animal and then bites a human. With JEV recently detected in the local Glenlock piggery, the risk of JEV is heightened.

The best protection against mosquito borne viruses is to protect yourself against being bitten, particularly at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most prevalent. SA Health have confirmed that the Camp can still proceed and are not discouraging people from going to the river, but are strongly recommending that people protect themselves from being bitten. Further information on JEV and protection measures, can be found on this SA Health factsheet and NSW Health factsheet.

The Committee strongly recommends that each attendee follows SA Health advise by protecting themselves in the following ways:

  • Wear light coloured, loose fitting, long sleeved clothing to reduce any skin exposure, particularly around dusk and dawn
  • Apply mosquito repellent to all areas of exposed skin. The most effective repellents are the ones that contain DEET. There will be supplies available at the shop over the weekend.
  • Ensure flyscreens and other mosquito proof screens/nets have no holes in them
  • Remove water holding containers where mosquitoes can breed – cover up buckets that hold water for campfire purposes
  • Use mosquito coils, zappers etc to repel and eliminate mosquitoes
The mosquito situation will continue to be carefully monitored in conjunction with SA Health updates, with possibly short notice required to change Camp arrangements based on SA Health’s latest advice and position.
